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Découvrez un spectacle en cantonais, sous-titré en anglais, en direct depuis Hong Kong.
You are invited online to visit our Hong Kong homes. It is a gift to friends of the Festival Off d’Avignon to join our online show for FREE on July 15-17, 22-24, 30-31 at 2 pm French time, i.e. 14h00.
This is an online performance based in Hong Kong which has been made in collaboration both with the best director of the Hong Kong Drama Award, WONG Chun Ho, and senior music program curator, Sheeta NG. They use their professional skills and knowledge of the arts to guide both laymen and disabled people to create a unique brand of performing arts.
“Foyers hongkongais / Hong Kong Homes” is an art journey into 3 shows. The performers’ home is the stage, performers’ life is the script. It is about blind people who have regained joy through music, or the self-portrait of a retired person in different stages, blind people who find their road through memory, a blind person who recalls her life from the past by feeling her body on her wheelchair, or a group of people from the island who live through music and party at their place, etc. Audiences are invited to visit performers’ rooms more privately and more closely in real time.
Performers with disabilities show a unique picture of life in Hong Kong at the intersection of stage art, visual art, sociology, environmental studies, and architecture. We hope you will enjoy our Hong Kong style of online experimental art.
*Her Family*
Multimedia albums of 3 women who are both mothers, daughters, and wives, filled with intimate memories of family members, old and new.
2022.7.22, 8pm-9pm(Hong Kong) / 2hr00-3hr00(France) (廣東話 Cantonese+英文字幕 English Subtitle )
2022.7.23, 8pm-9pm(Hong Kong) / 2hr00-3hr00(France) (廣東話 Cantonese+法文字幕 French Subtitle)
*Enjoying Life with Obstacles*
With varying levels of visual impairment, they all possess long views and have the common understanding that life shall be enjoyed. They would like to share with you their of living spaces, their city, music they love—elements that collectively make up the place they call home.
2022.7.24 & 31, 8pm-9pm(Hong Kong) / 2hr00-3hr00(France) (廣東話 Cantonese)
*Island Home*
How is it like to live on the islands? It’s all about life…a lifestyle that emphasizes on freedom and spontaneity. No script, no rehearsals. Prepare to be surprised!
2022.7.30, 8pm-9pm(Hong Kong) / 2hr00-3hr00(France) (廣東話 Cantonese+英語 English)
For registration : https://forms.gle/XSh4BZ6N5en1Aku9A